A place for random bloggery

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Should Be Sleeping

You know how sometimes you take a shower really late and it wakes you right up when you really have to go to sleep because you have to be up way early on a Saturday morning and can't be brain-dead when you get where you're going?

Yeah. I'm afraid so.

NYC comic-con is tomorrow, and I'm bringing all manner of self-promotional items for the fine publishers and other such media interests, in the hopes of convincing them of the notion that my stories could be profitable to them (and, ultimately, to me). I have to be there at 9:30AM to meet Lee (one of the fine folks at Platinum Studios), hence the aforementioned getting-up-earliness.

I am trying to be Prepared Boy. I have my stuff all ready to go, I'm showered, and I even laid my clothes out for tomorrow. All so that just this once, I can get out of the house on time.

We shall see.

Wish me luck.


Blogger Kat said...

Well, hopefully you are already on your way by now. Good Luck!

8:56 AM

Blogger Xmichra said...


10:35 AM

Blogger Xmichra said...

hey, where's the status of your convention?? *listens intently*

4:23 PM

Blogger Kat said...

Yeah! I was wondering too. How'd it go?

4:54 PM

Blogger Lola Starr said...

Hope it went well!

10:35 AM


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