A place for random bloggery

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Few Things

Hiya. Okay, I have a few things to say, so here they are:

1. My wretched cold. Bleh. I don't know what this thing even is. It doesn't really feel like a cold, but it isn't acting like allergies either. I don't feel "sick". I'm not run-down, achy or feverish, but I'm blowing my nose like crazy and I woke up this morning coughing my lungs up. Okay, maybe it wasn't actual bits of lung, but what came up was all manner of ugly. Charming, yes? So, my body is currently pissing me off. I've taken to the couch with my laptop, a pile of comic books and some DVDs in the hopes that a day of sloth will enable my system to focus on evicting whatever vile thing has taken up residence in it.

2. Gratitude. Big thanks to everyone who has been reading and commenting on Amorlia. I really do appreciate it, and I've been seeing from my stats that a lot of people are actually reading the whole thing from the beginning. This makes me happy. :) Also, extra thanks to everyone who has plugged the story on their own blogs. Lisa, in particular, has driven my hit count up considerably in the last two days.

3. Some shameless self-promotion. I have just published a new collection of short stories. It is called The Spontaneous Manifesto, and it is the final and definitive collection of all the Spontaneous Fiction stories. It contains everything from the first three books, as well as all the stories I posted after publishing Gods & Zombies but before I started Amorlia. It's available on SF in the "Spontaneous Bookstore" section, but you can also get to it by clicking on the link in this post. I'm selling it for $14.95, which is actually half the cost of buying the other three collections separately AND it contains a bunch of previously unprinted stories. It's a bargain, I tells ya!

4. April 1st. For most folks, today is a day of random prankishness. But to me, April 1st will always be my mom's birthday. So, Happy Birthday Mom! :)

5. Shout-out to Kat. While we're celebrating, I should mention that April 2nd marks the one-year blogiversary of our very own Ms Blogger 2006 runner-up, Kat. She's been doing the blog thing for a whole year now (which is forever in internet time) so stop on over and wish her a big ol' happy. Kat has been a constant supporter of my writing almost from the beginning, and she's a swell gal to boot. Happy Blogiversary, Kat!

And that's it for me today. There will be a new chapter of Amorlia on Monday, even if I have to swim through a sea of mucous to post it. How's that for a pleasant image in your head? ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!


Blogger Kat said...

Thank you! And happy birthday Chris's Mom!

I feel for you with the mucus thing. It sounds like what I have been fighting for a month now, only I did have the run-down feeling, or maybe I'm just lazy. :) Drink lots of green tea, and drown it out! My sister forced some of that Airborne formula on me too, it seemed to help.

As for number 3, I ordered it last night. :)

1:20 PM

Blogger Xmichra said...

Wicked news on the book!! I will be in order here on payday :)

Glad to hear you are taking a sloth day to try and get better! Sometimes all you need is a little rest. but don't forget your fluids!!

Can't wait for the next chapter.. hope you feel well enough to write it!

12:11 PM

Blogger Lola Starr said...

The cold sounds wicked bad....Hope it's getting better. And congrats on the new book! Like Xmichra, I'll be in to order next payday! :)

8:51 AM

Blogger Sar said...

Yick and blech and hope you're feeling better soon.

Happy belated Chris's mama! And I have to scoot my sorry tush on over to Kat's and wish her a happy blogiversary.

11:09 AM

Blogger Bored Housewife said...

My book shipped today...I can't wait to get it and devour every last syllable. I didn't know it was such a new release! I remember reading the first one, and knowing every story.

And you...as always, are more than welcome to any traffic I can give you.

I am one of the ones reading from the beginning...I panted my way through to chapter...35, I think, last night. You amaze and astound.

You are more my inspiration than ever, boy.

11:04 PM


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