Tagged Again!
I have been tagged by the lovely Kat.
Accent ~ I have a bit of a Jersey accent, but not to, like, guest star on The Sopranos level.
Booze of choice ~ Smirnoff Ice Triple Black
Chore I hate ~ Yardwork.
Dog or Cat ~ Cats.
Essential Electronics ~ Laptop, DVD player, TV, TiVo
Favorite perfume/cologne ~ I am ridiculously susceptible to pheremones. I go nuts for just about any perfume a woman wears. I don't wear cologne. The closest I get is Old Spice deodorant.
Gold or Silver ~ Silver
Hometown ~ Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Insomnia ~ Not often, but when I get it, it's usually a few days in a row and really nasty.
Job Title ~ Application Developer
Kids ~ One sweet little five-year-old girl :)
Living Arrangement ~ My wife and I own a home, and share it with our daughter and two cats.
Most Admired Trait ~ I admire bravery in others, and people seem to really like my imagination.
Number of Sexual Partners ~ 10
Overnight Hospital Stays ~ 1 (after my wife had our daughter)
Phobia ~ The dark.
Quote ~ "(heavy sigh) What size skull dome do you wear?" - This is from the MST3K movie, and I use it to refer to surly shopkeepers and waitstaff.
Religion ~ Pagan
Siblings ~ One brother
Time I wake up ~ Around 7AM during the week, and whenever my kid comes and wakes us up on the weekend (except Sunday - that's my day for sleeping in)
Unusual talent/skill ~ I can quote movies verbatim after only seeing them once.
Vegetable I refuse to eat ~ Asparagus
Worst Habit ~ Too damn many
X-rays ~ Arm, legs, chest and teeth
Yummy foods I make ~ All the food I make is yummy, but my masterpiece is a dish I learned from my grandmother called "Martha's Casserole". No, her name isn't Martha.
Zodiac sign ~ Leo
I'm going to tag...
I learned new stuff about you! I don't think I knew you had a brother. Older or younger? (damn, I'm nosey. hehe)
I hope you had fun with it.
9:14 PM
You're afraid of the dark?! NFW!
10:29 PM
Cool unusual talent! :)
9:15 AM
wicked talent! I seriously couldn't come up with one.. so i tried to think like my husband for an answer. Well you know what happened there. heh.
I am surrious about the casserole too now! I am a food junky though, and I love trying new things.
2:42 PM
Chris, isn't Martha's casserole that insanely delicious dish you cooked for me? Oh yeah ladies, he can cook too.
9:49 AM
Hey Chris,
Got back today. Will deal with the tagging next week.
Also got loads of catching up to do on reading your blog. Bear with me, it's going to be a long week!
Take care my friend.
purplesimon out...
8:56 AM
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