A place for random bloggery

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Karma's Questions

Karma is playing the interview game, and I requested an interview. Here are her questions and my answers.

1. You write a lot of science fiction and fantasy. What authors inspired you as a kid?

Roger Zelazny, Anne McCaffery, Douglas Adams, Wendy Pini, Tolkein, Ray Bradbury (short stories, especially) and Issac Asimov among others.

2. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I'd go back and meet Jesus, to tell him not to bother.

3. Who's your favorite character from the Hitchikers Guide series and why?

Ford Prefect. Because he's hoopy, and a frood who really knows where his towel is.

4. How long have you played guitar and do you play any other instruments?

I've played guitar for about 20 years, and drums for about 25. I can kind of play keyboards (not piano, mind you, keyboards) and played trumpet in elementary and middle school.

5. What inspires you the most?

This is going to sound lame, but, everything. An anecdote, a person, a place, idle comments, a stray thought... I could go on. I find inspiration everywhere.


Blogger Lola Starr said...

Good answers! I especially like the answer to #3. :) After I finish the book I'm reading now, I'm going to re-read HG for about the 500th time! And I played trumpet too!

8:48 AM

Blogger Xmichra said...

hahaha... Ford Perfect, brilliant!!

I share a like for the authors you chose, they are awesome. I am a huge fan of some D&D style authors as well. R.A.Salvator, Margaret Wies, and Tracy Hickman. Also I am sure Mercedies Lacky and Piers Anthony are in there too. :)

And your answer for #2 was very much what I had in mind for my answers to this post : http://xmichra.eppy.org/2006/02/post-1-for-the-day-friday-fiver-on-saturday.html

1:51 PM

Blogger Kat said...

Great answers! Am I the only person who hasn't read Hitchhikers Guide? I never heard of it until the movie came out.

My favorite answer is #5.

2:06 PM


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