Interview with Rayna
Okay, so I have been horribly remiss at getting these questions up. Lately, it's all I could do to get the latest Amorlia chapter written and posted every day. That generally meant this blog was neglected, and I wasn't commenting at others' blogs as much. Well, now that Amorlia is on hiatus for a week, I've been catching up with old friends, and updating this place a bit more. In the interests of keeping up, I am now posting my interview questions to Rayna.
1. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
2. If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be?
3. What's your favorite sexual position?
4. If you could have just one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
5. If a spaceship landed in front of you and offered to take you on a tour of the universe, would you go? This is with the understanding that you wouldn't be gone too long, and your children would be looked after in your absence.
lol I had to read number 3 twice, I wasn't expecting a question like that!
Great questions. Gee, I guess I was supposed to do that for her and a couple other people too.
3:59 PM
great questions! I wasn't going to get into the whole sex issue.. I asked about her half nuddie pics so I figured I wouldn't break her on the first interview.. hehe.
Reading Amorlia will be my mission next weekend... or If It gets really slow at work. *grinz*
7:16 PM
Great questions! I especially like the last one!
8:52 AM
I have read the first three chapters of Amorlia. It is great.. I hope it is slow at work tomorrow so I can get in a bit more reading.. i feel so behind!!
11:06 PM
I hit the delete button from your e-mail.. i am such a tool sometimes!
Anyways, I would gladly give you an 'assesment' from reading. So far it is very fluent, and has enough plot twisting to captivate me enough to press the 'continued...' button. Characters are strongly identifiable, even if you have nothing in common.. and you feel for them as if you have read a hundred pages about them. But I am only on chapter five now... so I guess we will see!!
10:44 AM
Creative quesions. I'll have to look for Raynwomaan's answers!
2:20 PM
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